External Resources

General OER Information

“Finding OER” Research GuideAn in-depth guide on OER from the Mina Rees Library at the CUNY Graduate Center. Includes informational resources, links to searchable databases, guidance for Creative Commons licensing, and much more.
“Open Access” Research GuideAn in-depth guide on open access from the Mina Rees Library at the CUNY Graduate Center. Includes information on the principles of open access, tools for finding open access materials, and much more.
Building Open Infrastructure at CUNYEdited collection that features discipline-specific chapters–including music–which survey the state of OER in their field.

Databases, Musical Examples, Audio Collections

Music Theory Examples by BI-POC Composers (via Google Sheets)List of music theory examples by Black, indigenous, and POC composers categorized by musical topic.
Music By WomenDatabase of excerpts and complete musical compositions by women composers.  The music is categorized by theoretical concept for use in music education.
Expanding the Music Theory CanonCollection of music theory examples by marginalized composers outside of the traditional Western music canon, including PDFs where possible and supplemental information.
Maqam World Collection of multi-media modules designed to teach the Arabic Maqam modal system.
Raga SurabhiCollection of audio files containing raga snippets, songs, quizzes and other materials related to Carnatic music.
Musical Instrument Museums Online (MIMO)Searchable database of over 60,000 instruments held in public collections.
Grinnell College Musical Instrument CollectionSearchable database of musical instruments, including visual and sonic representations and written supplemental information.
The History of Hip-Hop – NPRCollection of interviews from the NPR show “Fresh Air” that chronicle key people and events in the history of hip-hop. Interviews conducted and aired in 2005.
Radio GardenInteractive globe that allows users to listen to radio stations around the world.
Boulanger Initiative DatabaseIndexed database of historically under-represented composers and their works, including links to scores and some biographical information.
TeoriaPeer-reviewed open-access website with tutorials, exercises, and articles dedicated to the study and practice of music theory and development of aural skills.
LSO PlayInteractive performances from the London Symphony Orchestra, including multiple views of the ensemble.
Instruments – PhilharmoniaVideo examples and informational articles on each orchestral instrument.
Audio – NASACollection of sound recordings from space, from NASA.
FORUMSCollection of open online resources supporting post-secondary instruction of music in general studies. Includes links to general, journalistic, expert, authentic and scholarly resources, and to instructional materials.

Teaching Guides, Lesson Plans, Syllabuses

American Music Course Syllabi – Society for American MusicCompilation of courses and linked syllabi/course descriptions on various genres of American music.
Lesson Plan: Stephen Foster, 19th-Century American Popular Song, and the Politics of RaceA college-level lesson plan on Stephen Foster and blackface minstrelsy, including articles, recordings, scores, and activity/discussion prompts.
Harlem Renaissance & Music (via Google Docs)Guide for teaching about the Harlem Renaissance within an introduction to Western Art Music class.
Writing in Music – Aaron Copland School of Music, Queens CollegeStep-by-step help for students writing about music and teachers teaching about writing about music.
Making a Podcast That Matters – NY TimesGuide for assigning and creating podcasts in the classroom.
Teaching with Protest Music – NY TimesIdeas for incorporating protest music into your course, including writing prompts, assignments, and in-class activities.
Free Resources for the Classroom – Smithsonian Folkways RecordingsCollection of K-12 lesson plans and activities for folk musics across the world; indexed by location on an interactive map.
Teaching Music Theory – Megan Lavengood, Ph.D.Archive of open-access course websites and teaching videos created by Megan Lavengood at the graduate and undergraduate level.
TeachRock – Rock and Roll Forever FoundationCollection of K-12 lesson plans and activities on the history of US rock.
The Blues Classroom – PBSA collection of interdisciplinary K-12 lesson plans on the blues as a supplement to a PBS documentary series.
Music Theory Online Materials – San Francisco Conservatory of MusicVarious exercises in harmonization, sight singing, analysis, continuo playing, and more developed for use in SFCM.
Perfect Pitch – Kennedy CenterInteractive game that provides overview of musical instruments in the orchestra
Tips for Beginners – Austin Symphony OrchestraFAQ for first-time orchestra attendees, including basic information about the orchestra

Music Pedagogy Publications

Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music EducationOpen-access, peer-reviewed online journal offering critical perspectives on music education.
Engaging Students: Essays in Music PedagogyAn open-access collection in six volumes of pedagogical essays on student-centered learning within the college music classroom.
Journal of Music History PedagogyOpen-access, peer-reviewed online journal with articles and reviewed relating to teaching music history at all levels and within all disciplines.
Journal of Music Theory PedagogyOpen-access, peer-reviewed online journal with articles relating to teaching collegiate music theory.

OER (Open Educational Resources) Texts

Open Music CommonsOER World Music textbook designed as an edited collection, with independent contributions from GC music students and alumni on a variety of musical practices, peoples, and places.
World Music TextbookOpen-access collection of (mostly) ethnomusicological, peer-reviewed articles aimed at the undergraduate reader.
Resonances: Engaging Music in its Cultural ContextOER Music Appreciation textbook with thematic chapters; incorporates some folk and popular musical examples.
Understanding Music: Past and PresentOER Music Appreciation textbook that provides a chronological history of Western art music and a final chapter on US popular music.
Music: Its Language, History, and CultureOER Music Appreciation textbook with “skeletal” design intended to accompany other course materials, including chapters on jazz, popular music, and Western art music.
Open Music TheoryAn open-source, interactive, online textbook for college-level music theory courses.
Music History Course Notes – Matthew FrankeA textbook blog designed to support courses on Western art music for musically literate undergraduates.
Open Access Musicology Vol. 1 and Vol. 2Open-access edited collection of musicological writing aimed at the undergraduate reader.
Multimodal MusicianshipOER book for learning music theory and ear training. Contains multiple modes of content including text, musical examples, audio, video, activities and links to supplemental content.

Podcasts and Videos

Afropop WorldwideOnline magazine and podcast dedicated to music from Africa and the African diaspora.
CTMD Programs Concerts – Center for Traditional Music and DanceYoutube channel with audio and video recordings of NYC-based artists performing traditional music and dance across many different genres.
The Global Jukebox – Association for Cultural EquityInteractive map that displays recordings from all over the world.
Every NoiseSpatially organized collection of sound samples from countless music genres.
“The Birth of American Music” – NY TimesPodcast episode covering the legacy of Black American music within the general concept of American music.
“Music Theory and White Supremacy” – Adam NeelyYouTube video exploring the racialized history of “music theory” as a field and concept. Includes interview with Philip Ewell.
Sound Field – PBSYouTube channel with in-depth video essays exploring the history, composition, and culture of various music genres (especially popular).
Early Music SourcesYoutube channel that covers early music topics with primary sources and a humorous tone.
Switched on PopPodcast that features musical analyses and interviews with musicians.
Sound ExpertisePodcast featuring in-depth interviews with music scholars.
“Basics of Classical” – Seth MonahanSeries of YouTube videos that offer condensed coverage of topics within the traditional music theory sequence.
“Exploring Early Music” – Max RamageFour 10-minute video lectures on YouTube on early music topics.
Conversations in EthnomusicologyYouTube channel run by the Society for Ethnomusicology; features interview with and lectures by scholars and musicians.
Global Coronavirus PlaylistCollectively written Google Doc featuring songs and dances about COVID.
“Time Travel Through Music” – Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra35-minute video on YouTube in which Nicholas McGegan describes historic period music with music by the Philharmonia Baroque.
New Sounds – WNYCPodcast featuring new musical artists across genres

Other Resource Lists

Diversity in Music Theory: Teaching Tools – Society for Music TheoryList of resources providing ideas and materials for incorporating racial and ethnic diversity into music theory classrooms.
MERLOT Music CollectionCollection of music-related OER uploaded to the MERLOT website.
“Music” at OpenEd CUNYCollection of music-related OER developed at CUNY.
Learning and Teaching Resources – Teaching Music HistoryList of resources for teaching music history; soon to be updated and reformatted
The Ultimate List of Online Music Education Games – Cornerstone ConfessionsList of online games teaching foundational music concepts.
Black Music History Resources – Gavin Lee, PhD, and members of “Decolonizing Ethnomusicology” Facebook groupList of topically organized resources on African and African diasporic music-making across genre, time, and place.
Podcasts and Audio Programs – Society for EthnomusicologyList of ethnomusicology-adjacent podcasts and audio programs, including links and brief descriptions.
Music and Social Justice Resources – Society for EthnomusicologyRepository of materials (news articles, videos, syllabuses, research) addressing the use of music in social justice efforts.
Open CultureCollection of free online courses & other educational media (not music-specific, but has many music-related materials).
Kennedy Center EducationArts education resources from the Kennedy Center.
Carnegie Hall African American Music TimelineA timeline from Carnegie Hall’s online educational resources.