Introduction to Music | Commons course site | Lehman College | Spring 2022
Online companion for Introduction to Music class; includes full schedule of readings, listening, and assignments, with online links to listening. Course: MSH […]
Online companion for Introduction to Music class; includes full schedule of readings, listening, and assignments, with online links to listening. Course: MSH […]
This 4-week summer class at Queens College was built with OER textbooks and freely accessible readings, primarily Resonances by Esther Morgan-Ellis. The course […]
This class was built with OER textbooks and readings, primarily Resonances by Esther Morgan-Ellis. The course site features: a “how-to guide” for […]
Once a week, in-person, Introduction to Music syllabus for non-majors. Instructor: Nicholas Tran Course: Introduction to Music (MUSIC 1)
Twice a week, in-person Introduction to Music syllabus for non-majors. This syllabus organizes the course around subject matter and not chronology. Syllabus […]
Syllabus for a four week online asynchronous course, featuring units on Hildegard von Bingen, child prodigies, music in 20th century movements, and […]
Syllabus for online asynchronous course: “This course surveys musical practices from around our world. The primary objective of this course is for […]
Syllabus for composition lessons. Instructor: Scott A. Miller Course: Composition Project (Lessons) (MUS 473)
Syllabus and course schedule for a seminar-style writing intensive course that serves as the capstone for the music history sequence. The topic […]
Syllabus for MUSIC 1 at Queens College using OER Instructor: Madison Schindele Course: Introduction to Music (MUSIC 1)
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