Music Theory Fundamentals | Syllabus | City College | Fall 2021
This syllabus was used in an online-format Music Theory Fundamentals course at CCNY that had both asynchronous and synchronous elements. With help […]
This syllabus was used in an online-format Music Theory Fundamentals course at CCNY that had both asynchronous and synchronous elements. With help […]
Online, synchronous. This syllabus is for Theory 2 at Brooklyn College, which only has three semesters of basic theory. It would probably […]
Online, synchronous version of Music Theory 1, Eighteenth Century Studies. Textbook: Kostka and Payne, Tonal Harmony, 8th ed. “Exploration of music of […]
“This course serves as an introduction to the study of music from an ethnomusicological perspective and as a survey of several music […]
Assignment sheets for the three hearings (essentially sight singing exams) assigned over the course of the semester. Class was taught online and […]
Syllabus for the dictation section of Sight Singing & Dictation 1. This class was taught virtually and synchronously. Instructor: Stephen Gomez Course: […]
Sheet with various permutations of the major-key tonic triad arpeggio, including iterations that start on all three chord members. Used in class […]
Syllabus used for the sight singing portion of MUSIC 171 at the Queens College Aaron Copland School of Music. MUSIC 171 is […]
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