Music Theory Fundamentals (MUSTH 101) | Phone Number Compositions | Hunter College | Spring 2024
Phone Number Composition is an in-class activity designed to have students apply the concept of intervals. Students use their phone numbers to […]
Phone Number Composition is an in-class activity designed to have students apply the concept of intervals. Students use their phone numbers to […]
This syllabus was used in an online-format Music Theory Fundamentals course at CCNY that had both asynchronous and synchronous elements. With help […]
Syllabus for the first in-person edition of Music Theory Fundamentals taught at Hunter College since the first pandemic lockdown in Spring 2020. […]
Lessons plans for the entirety of Days #4–7, which introduce concepts and skills related to notating and hearing rhythm and meter in […]
Two assignments geared towards establishing and practicing the basics of keys and key signatures using staff music notation in the tradition of […]
Two assignments geared at practice concepts and skills related to scales. First and second assignment are about major and minor scales, respectively. […]
Four homework assignments given in sequence to practice the basics of rhythmic notation and listening in the tradition of Western Art Music. […]
Two homework assignments given in sequence to practice note naming, staff notation, and treble and bass clef in the tradition of Western […]
Warmup, ungraded review exercises. Instructor can collect these after about five minutes and use them to take attendance for the day, as […]
Lesson plan for the entirety of Days #2–3, covering the topics of note naming in treble and bass clefs as well as […]
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