Introduction to Music Theory | Harmonize a Melody 1 + 2 | College of Staten Island | Spring 2022
Two assignments: Harmonize a Melody 1 and 2. Together they serve to introduce students to writing diatonic chord progressions in different styles. […]
Two assignments: Harmonize a Melody 1 and 2. Together they serve to introduce students to writing diatonic chord progressions in different styles. […]
Final project for Intro to Music Theory Course demonstrating ability to compose an original melody, harmonize a melody, compose and analyze harmonic […]
Assignment sheets for the three hearings (essentially sight singing exams) assigned over the course of the semester. Class was taught online and […]
Two assignments geared towards establishing and practicing the basics of keys and key signatures using staff music notation in the tradition of […]
Two assignments geared at practice concepts and skills related to scales. First and second assignment are about major and minor scales, respectively. […]
Four homework assignments given in sequence to practice the basics of rhythmic notation and listening in the tradition of Western Art Music. […]
Two homework assignments given in sequence to practice note naming, staff notation, and treble and bass clef in the tradition of Western […]
Variety of question formats (short answer, multiple choice, fill in the blank, etc.) on syllabus content, musical staff, and keyboard. Assigned during […]
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