Ear Training | Interval, Triad, and 7th Chord Song | Hunter College | 2024 Fall
Nice warm up / drill for any music theory / aural class Instructor: Alice Xue Course: Any Ear Training /Aural Skills/Music Fundamentals […]
Nice warm up / drill for any music theory / aural class Instructor: Alice Xue Course: Any Ear Training /Aural Skills/Music Fundamentals […]
Phone Number Composition is an in-class activity designed to have students apply the concept of intervals. Students use their phone numbers to […]
This is a hybrid Theory IV class, with one in-person meeting each week. Students are required to do readings and watch videos […]
This syllabus was used for an in-person, twice a week Theory II class at Lehman College. Lehman prefers the Open Music Theory […]
This is an in-person, twice a week Theory Fundamentals class for non-majors and music majors who did not test into Theory 1. […]
An in-class analysis worksheet of the opening section of the Rite of Spring. Contains questions about scales/modes, meter, planing, “metric modulation,” and […]
In-class worksheet on scales in popular music for music majors who have learned modes, pentatonic scales, and blues scales. Instructor: Lina Tabak […]
Handout with singing activities for moveable-do solfege. Includes explanations of major and minor scales, chromaticism, and modes. Instructor: Scott A. Miller Course: […]
Two assignments: Harmonize a Melody 1 and 2. Together they serve to introduce students to writing diatonic chord progressions in different styles. […]
Final project for Intro to Music Theory Course demonstrating ability to compose an original melody, harmonize a melody, compose and analyze harmonic […]
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